Emily-Fit Photos-230-Photo-Module 2

HDR Mode.
Increased Saturation

Above you will see some screenshots I took using the Snapseed photo editing app. For someone who is new to taking and editing photos, I would say the app is fairly easy to use. It has a lot of cool features that really can make a somewhat plain photo look amazing. The picture above was taken April 23rd at Lake Ontario. I really like how the app enhances the colors. In the unedited version is looks somewhat dull, but Snapseed helped bring this photo to life. I used HDR scape mode and increased the saturation.

Above is a collage of some of my best photos in my opinion. The top right photo I took while I was in Georgia over spring break. Jekyll Island is a beautiful place! The bottom left was the sky over Lake Ontario yesterday (April 23rd). I thought it was a cool picture because a plane had just flown by and left its mark. The bottom right is a photo of my dog, Sid. It was taken over the winter but I thought Snapseed would improve this picture because there were so many different colors. To see more of my photos follow me on Flickr!

While searching through Flipboard, I found an extremely interesting video. An artist by the name of Nicolas Bruno uses photography to show his experience with sleep paralysis, which is when your mind is awake but your body stays asleep. People who deal with sleep paralysis know how terrifying it is. He talks about it as photographing his nightmares. In his photos, he becomes the “evil” that is in his dreams. He does a great job portraying his experiences.

Thanks for reading! Check me out on social media!
Youtube, Twitter, instagram,Flickr and my website! 🙂

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